Modelo 62 Ensemble is preparing their first Argentinian tour. They will be visiting the country between the 22nd of April and the 6th of May. During these two weeks, a series of concerts and academic events will be held. Among the mentioned academic events, they have scheduled a reading session and master classes for different instrument players, composers and directors. As a complement to these activities, conDiT has organized the cgm62, a musical composition contest (a collaboration between conDiT/cheLA –Argentina- and the Gaudeamus Music Festival –The Netherlands-) and a special demonstration concert of the Dutch Sonology Institute of The Hague at cheLA. This event will have various lectures, electronic music concerts, sound installations and performances. Regarding the concerts and with the desire to encourage cultural exchange, conDiT’s effort is to offer the audience a unique and original program of music written by Argentinian composers related to different Dutch music modes and composed specially for M62, while also offering music from Dutch composers that has never before been heard in the country. conDiT’s main objective with this, is to share cultural legacy and contribute to the discovery and spreading of our own artistic identity while at the same time encouraging the learning of other musical productions as part of a globalized world. Program Program The Argentinian composers who will present music during the concerts based on an artistic relationship with the ensemble are: Claudio Baroni, Gonzalo Giménez , Gabriel Paiuk, Cecilia Pereyra, Santiago Santero and Ezequiel Menalled (founder conductor and artistic director). Dutch composers who will also present music are: Martijn Padding, Gilius van Bergeijk, Diderik Wagenaar y Janco Verduin. Concerts & Activities schedule: 24/04: Centro Nacional de la Música, C.A.B.A. 26-29/04, Grupo Composición La Colmena, Córdoba 02/05, Biblioteca Nacional, C.A.B.A. 04/05, conDiT/cheLA, C.A.B.A. 05/05, Dutch Institute of Sonology’s event in cheLA, C.A.B.A. Academic Activities: During the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of May, the ensemble will be residing at conDiT/cheLA were they will be offering different academic activities and concerts. The academic activities are: – Seminars for composers: readings of ideas and musical sketches, workshops regarding instrument techniques and writing procedures. – Master Classes for performers to be able to exchange instrument techniques for the proper execution of experimental music